
Showing posts from 2018

Past Tense

Past Simple The Past Simple tense is sometimes called the "preterite tense". We can use several tenses and forms to talk about the past, but the Past Simple tense is the one we use most often. In this lesson we look at the  structure and  use  of the Past Simple tense, followed by a  quiz  to check your understanding. How do we make the Past Simple tense? There are two basic structures for the Past Simple tense: 1. Positive sentences subject + main verb Past Simple 2. Negative and question sentences subject + auxiliary  do + main verb conjugated in Past Simple did base Look at these examples with the main verbs  go  (irregular) and  work  (regular): subject auxiliary verb main verb + I went to school. You worked very hard. - She did not go with me. We did not work yesterday. ? Did you go to London? Did they work at home? From the above table, notice the following points... For positive sentences: There is  no auxiliary verb . The ma