
Showing posts from February, 2019

NOtes of Guliver TRavel,Use of Staire


which tense to use

Simple future tense: The  simple future tense  is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Structure: Subject + shall/will + verb +  . . . . . . . . Example: We shall move to another city. He will come to New York tomorrow. They will make a phone which has artificial intelligence. Note:  The structure of the present progressive tense also can be used when an action is promised/arranged/planned to take place in the near future. We are moving to Texas next week. The bus is leaving at 6.00 PM. Future Continuous Tense The future continuous tense is used when an action is promised/thought to be going on at a specific time/context in the future.   Structure: Subject + shall/will + be + verb+ ing  . . . . . . . . Example: I shall be sleeping at around 6.00 AM tomorrow. They will be playing at this time tomorrow. She will be watching TV when I come home. I will be working in the office while you watch a movie. Future Perfect Te