Simple future tense:

The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future.
Subject + shall/will + verb +  . . . . . . . .
  • We shall move to another city.
  • He will come to New York tomorrow.
  • They will make a phone which has artificial intelligence.
Note: The structure of the present progressive tense also can be used when an action is promised/arranged/planned to take place in the near future.
  • We are moving to Texas next week.
  • The bus is leaving at 6.00 PM.

Future Continuous Tense

The future continuous tense is used when an action is promised/thought to be going on at a specific time/context in the future.
Subject + shall/will + be + verb+ing . . . . . . . .
  • I shall be sleeping at around 6.00 AM tomorrow.
  • They will be playing at this time tomorrow.
  • She will be watching TV when I come home.
  • I will be working in the office while you watch a movie.

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is used to demonstrate an action which is promised to be done by a certain time in the future.
Subject + shall/will + have + verb in the past participle . . . . . . . .
  • I shall have completed the assignment by Monday.
  • She will have cleaned the house before her father comes.
  • Alex will have submitted the tender by tomorrow.
  • Before I go to see her, she will have left the place.
  • They will have finished making the bridge by January.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Note: There is no practical use of this tense.


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