
Present Indefinite Tense

Present Simple (present tense + common aspect) Affirmative: Subject + Base Form of the Verb *note: for 3rd Person Singular (he/ she/ it) add ‘s’ to the base form I/ You/ We/ They work in a bank. He/ She works in a bank. Negative: Subject + don’t/ doesn’t + Base Form of the Verb I/ You/ We/ They don’t (do not) work. He/ She/ It doesn’t (does not) work. Interrogative: Question Word + do/does + Subject + Base Form of the Verb Where do I/ you/we/they work? Where does he/ she work? 1. Usual, regular action: I usually  go  fishing at weekends. I  don’t go  fishing at weekends.  Do  I  go  fishing at weekends? You always  know  the answer. You  don’t  always  know  the answer.  Do  you always  know  the answer? She never  put s  milk in her tea. She  doesn’t put  milk in her tea.  Does  she ever  put  milk in her tea? My father  play s  the violin. My father  doesn’t play  the violin.  Does  your father  play  the violin? We sometimes  go  to the cinema on Friday


Definition of Tense Definition of Tense in English Grammar : A Tense is a form of a verb that is used to show the time of an action. For example: when an action happened. How many types of tenses are there in English grammar? Structure  of Sentence Subject + Formula of Tense + Object Simple Tense Continuous Tense Perfect Tense Perfect Tense Present Tense Ist Form + s/es Is/Am/Are + Ist Form + ing Has/Have + IIIrd Form Has/Have Been + Ist Form + ing Past  Tense IInd Form Was/Were + Ist Form + ing Had + IIIrd Form Had Been + Ist Form + ing Future Tense Will/Shall + Ist Form Will be + Ist Form + ing Will Have + IIIrd Form Will Have Been + Ist Form + ing Types of Tenses There are 3 types of tense. Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense Each tense is divided into 4 types sub tense. Present Tense Present Simple Tense Present Continuous Tense Present Prefect Tense Present Prefect Continuous Tense Past Tense Pas