
Definition of Tense

Definition of Tense in English Grammar: A Tense is a form of a verb that is used to show the time of an action. For example: when an action happened.
How many types of tenses are there in English grammar?
Structure of Sentence
Subject + Formula of Tense + Object

Continuous Tense
Present Tense
Ist Form + s/es
Is/Am/Are + Ist Form + ing
Has/Have + IIIrd Form
Has/Have Been + Ist Form + ing
IInd Form
Was/Were + Ist Form + ing
Had + IIIrd Form
Had Been + Ist Form + ing
Future Tense
Will/Shall + Ist Form
Will be + Ist Form + ing
Will Have + IIIrd Form
Will Have Been + Ist Form + ing

Types of Tenses

There are 3 types of tense.
  1. Present Tense
  2. Past Tense
  3. Future Tense
Each tense is divided into 4 types sub tense.
Present Tense
  1. Present Simple Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3. Present Prefect Tense
  4. Present Prefect Continuous Tense
Past Tense
  1. Past Simple Tense
  2. Past Continuous Tense
  3. Past Perfect Tense
  4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Tense
  1. Future Indefinite Tense
  2. Future Continuous Tense
  3. Future Perfect Tense
  4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Why is English Grammar Rules an important you? Don’t forget that language goes with you where you go, because without communication and writing, you’re nothing so top international language must know every body I think. English grammar rules are very important, because you can write well as a businessman you have to write email or you solve question paper as a student. Now you know well its importance so you end this lecture, but you may ask anything, I’ll be grateful helping you.


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